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What type of dog are you interested in
Have you ever owned a English or French Bulldog?
Have you read reference materials on English and/or French Bulldogs?
Are you aware bulldogs cannot tolerate heat and are prone to breathing issues related to being a Brachycephalic (flat faced) breed and that they require cool air conditioned living conditions especially in warmer months.
Are you aware that bulldogs have certain medical anomalies (issues, problems) that are not common to other breeds?
**Some common bulldog issues are cherry eye, elongated palate, narrow nares, entropian, allergies, etc. We strongly encourage you to read up on these and other issues related to the bulldog breeds. Some common Bulldog issues are listed here for educational reasons: Are you accepting of the health issues and limitations that may come with the bulldog breed?
Are you willing to take your bulldog to a bulldog specific vet or a vet with bulldog experience, even if it requires traveling?
Please watch this News video on what to look for in a good vet: Do you understand and accept the care and extensive time and money involved with breeding our Bulldog bloodlines [price range for standard coat colors run on average of $3,500 TO $5,000/USD; rare coat colors start at $4,500 and go up]
Do you have any interest in breeding your bulldog?
Do you agree to spay or neuter your bulldog by the designated age on the contract?
Are you interested in showing your Bulldog in conformation, agility or obedience matches?
Do you understand and accept that most all puppies go through an obnoxious chewing and biting stage (the terrible two’s)?
Do you agree to allow your Bulldog to live indoors in your home and not outside or in a separate dog kennel building?
We do not allow any of our puppies/dogs to be rehomed, sold, given away, abandoned or taken to a shelter by their new families. Our puppies/dogs must be returned to us if you are unable to or no longer want to care for them at any time. Do you agree to return our puppy/dog to us if for any reason you are no longer able to or want to keep/care for them?